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Chrislain Eric Kenfack. [Autor]
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Do race and nationality matter in getting a job?

Field experiment and survey of employment discrimination in China
Oluwasola Emmanuel Omoju. [Autor]
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Warring Democracies

The army, the muslim brotherhood & the rest in Egypt post 2011
Dalia Wahdan. [Autora]
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Democracy from below

Cultural practices and grassroots initiatives in Indonesia
Laila Kholid Alfirdaus. [Autora]
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Public institutions and the paradox of liberal democracy

A step toward heterodox political science
Abdourahmane Idrissa. [Autor]
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Mulheres na periferia do urbanismo

Informalidade subordinada, autonomia desarticulada e resistência em Mumbai, São Paulo e Durban
Luciana Itikawa. [Autora]
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Yulianela Pérez García. [Autora]
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Alejandro Pelfini. Gastón Fulquet. [Coordinadores]
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The rise of the south

Essays in South-South trade and finance
Omar Dahi. Firat Demir. [Autores]
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Neorrealismo político vs multilateralismo democrático

Un estudio comparado entre las organizaciones alternativas ALBATCP y la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghai
Carlos Akira De La Puente Abreu. [Autor]
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Trayectorias del sur

Desplazamientos transnacionales y conformaciones estatales de las naciones diversas de Ecuador y Etiopía
David Cortez. Cristina Vega. Daniela Celleri. Carlos Haynes. Jorge Daniel Vázquez. Jesús Sanz. Cristina Cielo. Hailu Habtu. [Autores/as]
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Women inPower Women

Outras economias criadas e lideradas por mulheres no Sul não- imperial
Teresa Cunha. [Autora]
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Southern Papers Series/ Working Papers #26

Indigenous identity disputes in democratic Bangladesh
Farhat Jahan. [Autora]
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Southern Papers Series/ Working Papers #25

Summary of the political implications of my research
Rasel Madaha. [Autor]
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Southern Papers Series/ Working Papers #24

Resisting or reinforcing the neoliberal present? : The LGBT struggle for democratic space in Uganda
Prince Karakire Guma. [Autor]
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Southern Papers Series/ Working Papers #23

Enhancing social participation for combating labour market crisis
Zahra Karimi Moughari. [Autora]
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