- Colección CLACSO-COLMEX.
Relations between Mexico and Canada
El Colegio de México together with the Canadian Institute of Intemational Relations undertook the organization of a forum to bring specialists together to analyse Mexico and Canada's situations as well as their foreseeable future. The first of the meetings called Mexico-Canada Colloquia was held in Oaxtepec, Mexico in 1967; the second in Toronto, Canada in 1969. Sorne years later, the University of York in Toronto through the Centre for Research on Latín America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) and El Colegio de México prepared the third meeting which was held at El Colegio de México's facilities in Mexico City.
The papers presented on the Third Mexico-Canada Colloquium published in this volume include the discussions that followed the papers' presentation. It is relevant to note that the relations with the United States served as an important reference point. Greater rapprochement between Mexico and C(Jnada can only result, ultimately, in deeper understanding and in the enhancement of the relations among these three countries.
- ISBN:968-12-0387-9
- Editorial/es:El Colegio de México.
- Ciudad de edición:México.
- Fecha de publicación:Agosto de 1990