• Colección CLACSO-COLMEX.

Mexico: State of neglect

Los Zetas, the State, society and the victims of San Fernando, Tamaulipas (2010) and Allende, Coahuila (2011)

Sergio Aguayo Quezada. [Coordinador]
Delia Sánchez del Ángel. Manuel Pérez Aguirre. Jacobo Dayán Askenazi. [Autores/as de Artículo]
Article 1 of the Mexican constitution clearly establishes that “the State must prevent, investigate, punish and remedy violations of human rights, in the terms established by law.” In the municipalities of San Fernando and Allende where two tragedies occurred, did the State fulfill its obligations? If it did not, focusing on the victims of violence, what lessons does the study of these paradigmatic cases teach us?


  • Editorial/es:El Colegio de México.
  • Ciudad de edición:México.
  • Fecha de publicación:Junio de 2016

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