The poverty of the State

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  • Colección CLACSO-CROP.

The poverty of the State

Reconsidering the role of the state in the struggle against global poverty

Alberto Cimadamore. Hartley Dean. Jorge Siqueira. [Organizadores]
Hartley Dean. Anete Brito Leal Ivo. Paulo Henrique Martins. Virgilio Álvarez Aragón. Nélson Arteaga Botello. José Graziano da Silva. Walter Belik. Maya Takagi. Tarcisio Patrício de Araújo. Roberto Alves de Lima. Mayra Paula Espina Prieto. Hulya Dagdeviren. Rowan Ireland. Einar Braathen. John Andrew McNeish. [Autores/as de Capítulo]
The specter of poverty has had an enduring within the history of humankind. However, in these times the eradication of extreme poverty may be feasible. The resources to do so in a reasonable period of the time are available. The desire and willingness of international organizations, governments and peoples to reduce and eradicate poverty are evident from prevailing discourses. What are the factors that are impeding the accomplishment of such a widely accepted goal? It is difficult to give a comprehensive and definite answer. However, a substantial part of the explanation might be found in one of the most important, but problematic, structures of the modern world: namely, the state.

This book seeks to open up a wealth of possibilities for debate and for an element of consensus that the state -whatever its past and present limitations- must play a critical role in the struggle against poverty


  • ISBN:987-1183-22-4
  • Editorial/es:CLACSO.
  • Ciudad de edición:Buenos Aires.
  • Fecha de publicación:Septiembre de 2005

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