Occasional Paper Series COD #11

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Occasional Paper Series COD #11

Africa: A Bridge Betwen Latin America and Asia

Maguemati Wagbu.
This paper offers a reflection on the potential and real possibilities of Africa to play a key role within the framework of the international relations associated with Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean islands. The study explores the socio-cultural, philosophical, and political contributions of Africa in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Of particular interest is the International Policy dimension inasmuch as the paper also aims at providing a current systematic review of an evidence-base on traditional links between countries of the three continents and its peoples, in order to justify the necessity to reinforce their international cooperation. Thus, the paper is concerned with what Africa can offer to both continents and how it could possibly proceed in order to participate in strengthening their relations as historical, cultural, political and economic partners.(...)


  • Editorial/es:CLACSO. CODESRIA. APISA.
  • Ciudad de edición:Buenos Aires.
  • Fecha de publicación:Enero de 2008

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