Occasional Paper Series #10

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Occasional Paper Series #10

Alternatives to Hegemony: The World Social Forum

María Gisela Pereyra Doval. [Autora]
Anybody who has studied Latin American History, or even World History, would not be surprised to learn that Latin American countries have always suffered external domination from the current hegemonic or regional leader. For instance, in the XIX century, whenever there was a political or economic conflict, the reaction of regional powers was the military occupation of the indebted country. In the XX century, however, the so-called powerfuls and their hegemonic forces organized coups d’etat and consequently, decided who would govern these countries and imposed functional leaders who worked for the political and economic benefit of hegemony. (...)


  • ISBN:978-987-1183-88-3
  • Editorial/es:CLACSO. CODESRIA. APISA.
  • Ciudad de edición:Buenos Aires.
  • Fecha de publicación:Enero de 2008

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