Media & Glocal Change

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Media & Glocal Change

Rethinking Comunication for Development

Oscar Hemer. Thomas Tufte. [Editores]
Thomas Hylland Eriksen. Kevin Robins. Asu Aksoy. Oscar Hemer. Silvio Waisbord. Jan Servaes. Patchanee Malikhao. James Deane. Ulla Carlsson. Tim Allen. Nicole Stremlau. Rafael Obregón. Mario Mosquera. Paolo Mefalopulos. Karin Gwinn Wilkins. Madanmohan Rao. Manne Granqvist. Sarat Maharaj. Gilane Tawadros. Alfonso Gumucio-Dagron. Ullamaija Kivikuru. Gordon Adam. Clemencia Rodríguez. Kemal Kurspahic. Minou Fuglesang. Kate Winskell. Daniel Enger. Ricardo Ramírez. Arvind Singhal. Peer J. Svenkerud. Prashant Malaviya. Everett M. Rogers. Vijay Krishna. Chris Kamlongera. [Autores/as de Capítulo]
This book is about exploring both the potential and the limits of communication -of using communication both as a tool and as a way of articulation processes of development and social change, improving averday lives, and empowering people to influence their own lives and those of their fellow community members. The essence is communication. The dilemma is that communication will not solve every problem, althought it can contribute in some ways to problem- solving -we just need to get better at knowing how. The discipline of communication to development is currently at a crossroads, and the approaches taken over the last few decades require serious rethinking. Technologies are evolving on everthing -and communication concerned with debates and issues relating to development and change in society. The aim of this book is a contribute to the critical reflection about how communicaction works in process of change within the contexts of globalization.


  • ISBN:987-1183-26-7
  • Editorial/es:CLACSO. Norden.
  • Ciudad de edición:Buenos Aires.
  • Fecha de publicación:Septiembre de 2005

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