Atlas of Brazilian foreign policy

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Atlas of Brazilian foreign policy

Carlos R. S. Milani. Enara Echart Muñoz. Rubens de S. Duarte. Magno Klein. [Autores/as]
The portrait of Brazil’s place in the world that emerges from this publication is of a diverse and complex country, a mass democracy implementing a many-faceted foreign policy, and having all the credentials to be a model for countries of the South caught in the stormy waters of a globalised and unequal economy. It is also part of a stratified geopolitical order, but with some multilateral spaces; above all, it possesses a huge heterogeneity of culture and values whose management requires international actors that make tolerance, fairness and respect for diversity the core of its international integration.


  • ISBN:978-987-722-181-7
  • Editorial/es:CLACSO. EdUERJ. Labmundo.
  • Ciudad de edición:Buenos Aires.
  • Fecha de publicación:Junio de 2016

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